Sunday, 2 May 2010

The Science of Getting Rich in Internet Marketing

How would you just love to kiss your day job goodbye for ever and work from home?

Of course, who wouldn't - sounds great doesn't it? No more commuting, no more riding that crowded bus or train in the morning, total freedom - right?

Well, according to the online guru's, it's all very simple all we need to do is purchase their latest super product, give it a quick read, sit down in front of the computer and away we go, we're off and running - Right?, Wrong !

If it was that simple, everyone would be doing it and our offices, towns & bus stations would be empty at 9am, right?, because everyone would be at home slowly rising from their beds and starting the days task of counting the money they have made overnight from their Internet Marketing business.

The reason why we can still ride the bus in the morning, get our coffee from the coffee shop or hand our cars to the valet parkers is because of 2 main reasons.

Reason 1 - not everyone in the world wants to be their own boss
Reason 2 - It's not easy, especially starting out - it's a jungle out there and not everyone is a big cat or elephant - some of us are just pussycats...meeeow!

Being your own boss takes time, effort & endless perseverance, however if you have the personality & the will to change, being your own boss can be one of the most rewarding things you can do.

So, what about the Science, you know - the Science of getting Rich, right?

Ah, the Science!

Here goes - firstly you need to study; model those persons who are actually doing it - right? It makes sense, if you have a friend in the typing pool who tells you they are making a fortune from internet marketing, and they still continue to draw their pay check month after month, they are either lying or they love their job more than the money - and some people do!

This is great, but in order for us to pursue our lifetime ambition; we need to model successful people who are actually doing what WE want to do.
Successful people are not hard to find, they are everywhere, their are plenty of report sites on the internet telling you who are trustworthy and untrustworthy.

Here is point 2, decide what you can become passionate about - if you love model railways, why start out with a business selling goldfish? Start out with a passion, and be passionate about what you do - you will do it a whole lot better if you love what you do, does this make sense?
Start part time. It doesn't make sense to give up your day job immediately, what are you going to live on?

Certainly not the incoming crumbs of your early part time business efforts - you need this early income to re-invest in your business, stay at work - put some time by in the evening or at the weekend to devote to your business.

You don't have any spare time? Ah, really - you don't watch TV, you don't go out to bars & nightclubs, and you just work all the time??? Boy you really do NEED to work for yourself, because if this is you, your JOB (Just Over Broke) must be taking over your life...

Remember, it's just a job - you are NOT your job, you are you - we all have a limited time on this earth, do you really want to spend the majority of it making your boss RICH?

Look, I 'll be straight with you, I hate working long hours and I hate having a boss, I would have worked for myself for LESS money than I got paid in my corporate job..
But, and it's a big but - I figured, I didn't have enough skills to make a fortune in anything too high tech, so I learnt the whole internet marketing thing.

I purchased training materials on email marketing, blogging, adding video to my websites, affiliate marketing etc, etc, I learnt a whole bunch of stuff from people who were actually using it in THEIR everyday business and I became good at it.

You can become good at it as well.

The Internet, Social Marketing - Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, this is where it's at now and you can make a fortune working from home telling all these people about your products.

No product to start? I started selling other people's products online, I just signed up for a ClickBank account, and away I went, later you can sell your own products if you want.

I hope this has given you an insight into starting out and making that decision to get started - this is the hardest thing people really have to do because its one of the main things that people find difficult to do - to get started, once you make the decision to get started and do so, other decisions become easier because you are gradually moving out of that comfort zone which people love.

And the problem with the comfort zone is - most people stay in it until it's too late...
I wish you every success in your new online business, if you are looking for a great product to get started with and market on the internet THIS SELLS, this will definitely help you get started and help you GET UP and GO... If it hasn't already GOT UP and GONE. Good Luck in your NEW Life!

I am an author and marketer on the Internet, I enjoy discovering new ways to make money every day, whether it's tweeting on Twitter or finding friends on Facebook, the internet has the power, the ultimate power to persuade and to mix, socialise and to learn, and to earn money at home.

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