Friday, 28 May 2010

Seduce & Dazzle your Visitors

A prospect is the web term for someone visiting your website.

Once at your site -- your job is to give each prospect a compelling reason to TAKE ACTION . Yeah I know, yawn, yawn, yawn, we've all heard how important TAKING ACTION is blah blah blah...

But wait! If you are serious about making money online -- you need to know this.

There is a technique -- to making money online.

A lot of people (by far the majority) have 'luck' as a core strategy in their business plan.

'…I hope someone will buy…'…maybe I'll be lucky…'

Come on! Who wants to run a business like that?

There is no luck needed to make money online. What there is -- is hard work and a solid understanding of this business. I'm going to assume you are fine with the hard work.

But for the solid understanding -- here goes…

You will make money by building a list interested in a certain subject (or niche as it's called) -- spending sometime nurturing a relationship with this list -- listening to what they need -- before introducing them to products you know they will be interested in.

By far the majority of website owners are too busy -- or too desperate -- to make money immediately -- that they forget this. Or ignore it. The majority of website owners do not comprehend how important the relationship with their visitor/customer is.

Imagine you went into a store and the sales assistant was immediately in your face screaming 'buy, buy, buy!' You'd leave -- without purchasing. And so you should.

It's exactly the same for a web business. This is a store -- only online.

So why should it be any different to an OFFLINE business? It isn't!

I hope suddenly you are beginning to see this. Many do not.

Remember when you first started dating? You need to get to know each other first, learn about each other. You wouldn't propose on your first date (although I proposed on the 5th!)

Building a web business is the same.

Date your visitors! (metaphorically let me add...)!

Make them feel special.

Seduce them.

Dazzle them.

Reply to their emails.

Offer a wonderful free gift as an incentive to get them to join your list -- send an unadvertised bonus after they sign up - communicate with them.

Does it take more work? Yes. Most certainly it does. But not that much more. A few weeks -- a month at the most.

And then when the time comes to introduce a paid product -- your list will already be 'warmed' up to you -- resulting in them being a LOT more responsive.

A Wonderful Free Gift, Just For You!

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